We believe there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son and The Holy Spirit) equal in power and glory.
We believe in God the Father, an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love. He hears and answers our prayer; and He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, His substitutive atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, perpetual intercession for His people and His personal visible return to earth for His church.
We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, and regenerates, sanctifies, and empowers for ministry all who believe in Christ and His work. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all the Biblical gifts of the Spirit.
We believe the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God.